Your Will or Trust Likely Won't Work ....... But We Can Fix It
For certain clients, a Trust of some kind may be essential for a variety of reasons. However, many of them fall victim to one common...

Parents with Young Kids: The #1 Problem You Overlook
Clients with minor kids typically come to me for one reason: deciding who will care for their children if they pass away; that is, naming...

What Happens to your Facebook Account When You Die?
What happens to your social media and other digital assets when you die? The link below provides some great info on the interaction of...

Estate Planning is NOT just about your Assets!
For some people, getting your Powers of Attorney in place can be MORE important than having a Will .... Click on the link below for more...

New Year's Resolution !
Great Article - Relevant last year! Relevant this year! 2018 is the year to do it! Click on the link below: https://www.forbes.com/site...
Probate Avoidance Gymnastics
I invite you to experience a common conversation I have with clients regarding their estate planning: Client: For “x” reason I want to...

Qualifying a Trust as a Beneficiary of a Retirement Plan
In Part 1, I discussed the staggering monetary potential a beneficiary of certain inherited retirement plans is capable of achieving if...

Attention ! ! ! Parents, Grandparents and Great-grandparents with Retirement Plans
Why Name a Trust as the Beneficiary of a Retirement Plan One of the most powerful tools provided to a beneficiary is the ability to...

Estate Planning Deficiencies Checklist
A Check-Up of Your Incapacity & End-of-Life Plans If you do not have a valid Will or Trust, then South Carolina law will determine how...

"Insurance" for your Beneficiaries' Inheritance
If you break it down, a lawsuit is filed every 2 seconds and the divorce rate has been as high as 50% within the last 10 years. People...